Sunday, September 30, 2012

Pine County Promotional Booklet – Part 9

The following text and advertisements about Finlayson come from the 1926 promotional booklet entitled Pine County: Where Folks are Homeowners. 


Finlayson is located on the Northern Pacific railroad, only 90 miles from St. Paul, and 65 miles from Duluth, in the Ten Thousand Lakes country of Minnesota. Duluth is predicted to become the greatest inland ocean port in the world; this ocean port will benefit the adjacent territory materially, and the time is not far distant when the farm lands in this vicinity will be very valuable. 

The products of this territory, consisting mainly of the milch cow, eggs, potatoes, alfalfa, clover, and minor grains, have not been subject to the great price fluctuation that was harmful in the grain country; a steady, good price has been maintained and our farmers always have, and are now receiving good prices, and are prosperous. 

Good marketing facilities for everything the farmer has to sell, by way of main line railroads and cheap water transportation from Duluth gives Finlayson easy access to the eastern markets. 

Paved and graveled highways connect Finlayson with the principal cities of the state, auto trucks and pleasure cars are driven on them after the heaviest rain without difficulty. The predominating nationalities found in this territory are people of German, Scandinavian, and Finnish descent, all of which are thrifty, hard working, honest people. 

Religious and educational advantages in Finlayson are 6 churches of different denominations, and a full four year high school. 

Finlayson has a population of 300 people, of the progressive kind, who are always interested in the new settlers and their welfare, it is an up-to-date place where the farmer can sell anything he raises for cash at all times, and buy everything and anything to supply his needs. 

Good land is still to be purchased at very reasonable prices and anyone desiring a good farm home with limited means can find it in the Finlayson territory.

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