Sunday, October 28, 2012

Pine County Promotional Booklet – Part 13

The following text and advertisement about Markville come from the 1926 promotional booklet entitled Pine County: Where Folks are Homeowners. 


Markville is probably the fastest growing community in Pine county. The farming country about the village is unusual in the variety of soils available. East of town the soil is more or less sandy but with plenty of bottom to raise splendid crops, while west and north of the village the soil is clay loam, a typical hardwood country that is rapidly being made into good farms by the settlers. The head waters of the St. Croix river with all its tributary rivers and trout streams and the number of nearby lakes adds much to the beauty of the country and to the sportsman's pleasure. 

A number of new settlers have come to Markville in the past year. The lowering of the price on the big land companies' holdings has caused a pick-up in the real estate market. This is the first real agricultural district south of Duluth and Superior, and prices for farm products are sure to be good. Many farmers are already making good with truck shipments to these markets. 

The village is keeping pace with the surrounding country in development. During the past few months a number of new business enterprises have located at Markville. Among the most notable are the Farmer's new creamery, which has been made a wonderful record during its few months of operation, the Markville bakery, the Enterprise-Messenger, east Pine county's newspaper, and several others. Dr. E.F. Freymiller has purchased a residence in Markville and is now located here permanently. Our first R.F.D. began service from the Markville post office this season. The Soo Line coaling and watering station is located here and extra operators to serve the night trains are kept at Markville. A system of telephones for the surrounding country is being constructed. The Markville end of the county trunk road No. 10 was graded this spring and we are now on a good highway. 

Other enterprises in Markville beside those mentioned are: two groceries, a strong bank, a splendid garage, barber shop, two restaurants, hotel, pool hall, wood buyers, lumber yard, stock yards, two potato warehouses, meat market, hardware store, contractors and builders, implement dealer, blacksmith shop, etc. Markville has continuous current electric service at very reasonable rates, especially for power. 

A brick school building housing both the grade school and the high school and a Presbyterian and a Catholic church are centers of community life. 

Anyone contemplating buying land is cordially invited to look this community over.

Sunday, October 21, 2012

Pine County Promotional Booklet – Part 12

The following text and advertisement about Kerrick come from the 1926 promotional booklet entitled Pine County: Where Folks are Homeowners. 


One of the smaller towns of Pine county but one that does more business than any other of its size in the northern part of the state. Hustle seems to be the first and last name there. It has a general store that does from $65,000 to $80,000 business per annum. It has a lumber yard, a confectionery store and barber shop, garage, potato and feed warehouse, a fine hotel, and a strong bank. This bank is the last one on the Great Northern railway until you get to Superior, Wis. The footings now total over $150,000, and its surplus and capital is $22,000. 

Kerrick has no creamery but patronizes the Farmers' Co-operative creamery about two miles away. Many of the farmers are members of the Twin Ports Dairy Association, and ship whole milk to Duluth. 

There are several very nice farms, the largest being a 1,000 acre tract owned and operated by D.J. Curry. This farm keeps 75 to 100 head of cattle. 

This small community has been a leader in the “Community Fair” idea. This fall they have a just put on their 7th successful “Kerrick Community Fair”. They have taken considerable pride in this activity and have maintained a lead in it. There is a fine brick school building with four class rooms, domestic science, manual training rooms and gym. The gum, under the direction of Prof. A.R. Hyatt, has turned out basket ball teams that have been a credit to the town. 

Oak lake is one of the beauty spots and is the Mecca of the young folks during the summer months, and furnishes no end of enjoyment for the campers and picnickers. 

The town enjoys the distinction of having the best store paper in the Northwest, which goes out to the patrons and others interested twice a month. The editor's column is headed “Subscription price – Your good will.” The paper is in demand by every one who has ever lived here and has been rated by Butler Bros., the big wholesalers, as the “best store paper that ever came to their desk”. 

The possibility for dairy farming, chicken and bee raising is unlimited. The land is exceptionally productive and can be bought at reasonable prices. There is no local land agency but the Kerrick State Bank will gladly answer any inquiries made about the territory or farms therein.

The town needs and invites, a hardware man, a good live poultry and egg buyer, a good stock buyer, and a blacksmith.

Sunday, October 14, 2012

Pine County Promotional Booklet – Part 11

The following text and advertisements about Hinckley come from the 1926 promotional booklet entitled Pine County: Where Folks are Homeowners. 


Hinckley is a thriving up-to-date village of 800 population of enterprising citizens, located on the main lines of the Northern Pacific and Great Northern railways, midway between Minneapolis and St. Paul on the south and Duluth, Superior and the iron range country on the north. We have 16 passenger trains daily. Hinckley is also located midway between the Twin Cities and the Twin Ports on State Highway No. 1. 

Hinckley has one of the best high and graded schools in the state, having an enrollment of over 400 pupils. 

Hinckley has a farmers' co-operative creamery which turns out the premium brand of Land O' Lakes butter. The Farmers' Co-operative Egg and Poultry Producers Association's headquarters are at Hinckley and are handling the farmers' products at satisfactory prices to them. 

Four potato warehouses handle the potato and rutabaga crops and good prices are obtained with competition. Cattle and hogs find a ready market with the two stock buyers and shipping association, in fact, all products of the farm have a ready market. 

We have five churches, Protestant and Catholic. In fact, Hinckley offers every advantage, commercial, social, and religious, that could be asked for in a favorably situated, progressive and growing town. 

Hinckley has a large farm trade territory and while there are many very finely improved farms there is yet some very fine unimproved land to be had very cheap and on terms to suit the actual settler. These lands are very productive and yield crops abundantly. 

Only a short haul by freight, express, or auto truck delivers our products to our consumers in nearby cities and the Iron Range country. This wonderful market is growing rapidly and constantly. 

We of Pine county and Hinckley do not need to trouble ourselves about Europe's buying power, or a world's market, for we have the Best Market on Earth that can be reached with a Ford truck. Over one million dollars was paid to Hinckley farmers for their products last year, not including any grains of any kind, as follows: Dairy products, $420,000; poultry and eggs, $195,000; live stock, $248,000; potatoes, $205,000; rutabagas and vegetables, $82,000; cucumber pickles, $16,000. 

Come to a growing town in a growing community adjacent to growing cities and growing industries, and almost within sight of the greatest development projects of the age, surrounded by wonderful productive soil where clover is a weed, where prosperity follows the dairy cow and where the churn produces a constant flow of gold; where the rain fall is abundant – to help fully develop this locality and share in its glorious future. We want a few more red-blooded earnest young men and women. We ask you to join us in making this the favored region that God and nature intended it to be, a land of happy homes, of a contented, prosperous people.

Sunday, October 7, 2012

Pine County Promotional Booklet – Part 10

The following text about Henriette comes from the 1926 promotional booklet entitled Pine County: Where Folks are Homeowners. 


Henriette is a progressive village located in the southwestern part of Pine county. The land thereabout is a very productive, fertile clay soil which produces large yields per acre. Clover and timothy grows in abundance and it is not unusual to get two and three tons of hay per acre per cutting. Oats are always an excellent crop producing from 50 to 80 bushels per acre. Corn is being successfully raised also and some very good yields of fine corn is being produced. Owing to the abundant growth that all kinds of grasses make in this section dairying has become an important industry, making a return to our farmers of enormous sums. To give you an idea of the magnitude of the dairy industry in this immediate vicinity just place Henriette in the center of a circle extending twelve miles each way and you will find ten creameries and two cheese factories paying out to the producers in excess of $1,000,000 annually. 

Located as we are, on the main line of the Great Northern Railway, midway between the two great population centers of Duluth, Superior and the great Iron Range cities to the north, and the great twin cities of St. Paul and Minneapolis, 64 miles to the south, and the closeness of the large So. St. Paul packing house, we are especially favorably located close to markets, which gives us all the advantages of close haul low freight rates to our markets. 

Here you'll find excellent graveled hard roads mostly everywhere and many beautiful lakes are within a few minutes drive.