From the February 8, 1893, issue:
* James Soames returned from his home in LaCrosse, Wis., the first of the week.
*Mrs. Latta returned on Monday after a week's visit with friends in White Bear.
*Billy McHale came in from Camp 2 on Saturday and spent Sunday with his many friends.
* Our village council showed their interest in school matters Wednesday morning by plowing out the streets to the school house.
* Mrs. Frank Elliott, of Winona, arrived here Sunday morning. She intends to remain here during the winter while Mr. E. is in camp. In all probability they will make Willow River their home.
* Dr. Fertig has been giving a series of lectures in the school house on his idea of new education or a development of the mind by the process of reasoning from the known to the unknown. The doctor's talks are logical and interesting and his lectures are spiced with humor.
* S.C. Sargent, official photographer of the St. Paul & Duluth R.R., was in town Saturday, taking views of the interesting points in this village.